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Annual Development Review

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Progressive Review for the month(s) of : May - 2021,

Showing Page Number : 51 of 69

Code Scheme Name District of Location Commen. Comple. PC - I Status Status
Orignnal / Revised
PFY Expenditure Original
Releases Expenditure Acc. Expenditure Throw Forward Targets Achievements Remarks Images
150844-Construction/ widening of roads Varijun to Terich, Jinjarit to Jinjarit Koh and Kosht to Loan District Chitral.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 423.106 132.865 20 20 20 0 132.865 0 - -
May - 2021
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170171-Immediate Rehabilitation of flood damaged (09 Nos Roads & Bridges each) due to flash flood and GOLF 2015, District Chitral
Chitral Lower
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 535 0 43.75 43.75 43.75 38.749 0 0
May - 2021
7 Roads + 4 Brisdes 7 raods - completed RCC Brdige at Osiak Drosh- Sub Structure In progress. RCC Bridge at Shoghore- Work stopped due to land Payement RCC Brdige at Golden Broze- Complted RCC Bride at Khorkashandeh- approaches in Proress. Demand Rs. 15 m
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  1. Immediate rehabiliation of Chitral - Garam Chasma Road
  2. Booni road at various roads
  3. Ayun to Bumborate Road
  4. Shoghore to Karimabad Susum road
  5. Drosh west road at Dome Shoghoe
  6. Rumboor road form Dobach to Rumboor
  7. Birir road
B. Constulants M/S Specra Engineering PVT LTD
  1. RCC Brdige at Osiak Drosh
  2. RCC Bridge at Shoghore
  3. RCC Brdige at Golden Broze
  4. RCC Bride at Khorkashandeh
170171-Immediate Rehabilitation of flood damaged (09 Nos Roads & Bridges each) due to flash flood and GOLF 2015, District Chitral
Chitral Upper
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 242.67 200.86 31.2 31.2 31.2 26.757 227.617 10.61 96% 94%
May - 2021
5/9 Bridges + 3 roads - chitral Upper Portion 1. Yarkhoon Broghal pass road- completed 2. Charun Zondrangram Road - completed 3. Boni Road- complted a. RCC Brdige at Pokel- Bridge complete, Approaches in progress. B. RCC Bridge over Rshungole- completed. C. Repiar of Exisitng Charun Bridge- Completed. D. RCC Bridge over Mulkhow at Muzhgole- Bridge complete, Approaches In progress. E. Susupension Brisge at Booni over Boonigole- complete.
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  1. Booni Road
  2. Yarkhoon Broghal pass road
  3. Charun Zondrangram Road
  4. RCC Brdige at Pokel
  5. RCC Bridge over Rshungole
  6. Repiar of Exisitng Charun Bridge
  7. RCC Bridge over Mulkhow at Muzhgole
  8. Susupension Brisge at Booni over Boonigole
170171-Immediate Rehabilitation of flood damaged (09 Nos Roads & Bridges each) due to flash flood and GOLF 2015, District Chitral
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 623.239 403.557 50 50 50 0 403.557 169.682 73% 65%
May - 2021
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190563-Construction of karim abad susom road, faizabad orgoch Hone road, sweer road,District Chitral.
Chitral Lower
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 150 0 10 14.47 14.47 14.282 14.282 140 7% 10%
May - 2021
Work started on all units Demand Rs. 15 M
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  1.  Karim Abad Susoom Road
  2. Faizabad Orghuch Hone Road
  3. Sweer Ursoon Road
50209-Const:, B/T & Rehab: of 14 KM road in Distt: Kohistan
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 406.458 149.976 20 20 20 20 169.976 236.482 42% 42%
May - 2021
Length 14 Km - 4 Km completed. Remaining in progress?.
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1) Bataira to Mirbat Road PK-62 (BW 7 Km)
2) Palas Bridge to Mehreen Road PK-62 (BW 7 Km)
130420-Construction of Pre Stressed RCC Bridge over Indus River from KKH to Seo village at Dassu Kohistan.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 322.534 209.424 50 37.5 37.5 2.072 211.496 63.11 80% 66%
May - 2021
Length 210 m tr - 35/48 piles, 6/9 girder, left abutment completed. 20 piles of right side pier completed. Platform preparation for right side abutment in progress.
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Dassu Kohistan
140916-F/S, Design & Improvement / Construction of Mahreen to Mehar Bat road, Barparo road & Kanisher roads, Kohistan.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 100 45.1 20 20 20 15 60.1 34.9 65% 60%
May - 2021
Length 06-Km (2 Units) Work in progress? 1- 20 pile left side pile cap complete along with pier. 2-_6. girder completed.
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1) Construction of shingle road Bar Paro (3 Km)
2) Construction of shingle road Kunsher (3 Km)
150874-Black topping / widening of road from KKH to Pattan Bazar road, Shingle road in rural areas and Construction of suspension Bridges, Bailey Bridge and Bridge on Sindh River in District Kohistan.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 250.019 216.921 21.372 21.372 21.372 21.372 238.293 11.726 95% 95%
May - 2021
Length 4.6 Km - 4 units - 1 land acquisition under Process. E/W completed, S/W ,X/D, RW in progress. Addional Demand of Rs. 6 m for the completion of the scehem Completion ; June 2021.
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1) Construction of shingle road Bar Paro 3 Km
2) Construction of shingle road Kunsher 3 Km
3) BT of Pattan Bazar Road 4 Km
4) Construction of Baily/Wooden bridges in Dubair Nullah and Simo Darra Valley
5) Construction of shingle road Bankad in Rural area
6) Construction of Suspension Bridge over Sindh River in Jijal Mehreen (215 mtr)
150875-Construction of road from shaha to Sput valley,Gabar Naala Road and Construction of road Thoti, Tehsil Kandian, District District Kohistan.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 80 43.882 10 10 10 10 53.882 26.118 67% 67%
May - 2021
Length 7 Km (shingle road) - 3 units - 1 earth work & Structure work in progress.
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1) Construction of road from Soha to Sput 3 Km
2) Construction of Gabber Nullah road 2 Km
3) Construction of Dong Nullah road 2 Km
150845-Construction / Improvement and Black topping of internal roads of Tehsil Battagram District Battagram.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 136 88.228 25 25 25 23.715 111.943 22.772 83% 82%
May - 2021
22- Units (14.6 Km) 1. Completed 2. 95% Completed 3. 95% Completed 4. 95% Completed 5. 95% Completed 6. 95% Completed 7. Completed 8. Completed 9. Completed 10. Road Dispute 11. 90% Completed 12. Completed 13. 95% Completed 14. 90% Completed 15. 85% Completed 16. 95% Completed 17. 90% Completed 18. 90% Completed 19. 95% Completed 20. 95% Completed 21. 95% Completed 22. 95% Completed
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1) Beshkot Peza road UC Thakot 1 Km ..? Rs: 9.174 M
2) Berser Peza road UC Thakot 1 Km ..? Rs: 8.819 M
3) Shingli Bala approach rado UC Gijbori 1 Km ..? Rs: 8.712 M
4) Oughaz Banda road UC Peshora 0.50 Km..? Rs: 4.683 M
5) Pomong road UC Peshora 0.70 Km ..? Rs: 6.178M
6) Tamai road UC Ajmera 0.40 Km ..? Rs: 3.077 M
7) Gandoori road UC Ajmera 0.80 Km ..? Rs: 6.353 M
8) Jabri Phagora road UC Rajdahari 0.80 Km ..? Rs: 6.669 M
9) Kolai road UC Rajdahari 0.40 Km ..? Rs: 4.936 M
10) Sarmast Kathora road UC Rajdahari 0.50 Km ..? Rs: 4.589 M
11) Andarwali Neelishang road 0.50 Km ..? Rs: 94.017 M
12) Sandasary Arghashori, Battagram approach road UC Battagram ..? Rs: 6.046 M
13) Kotwal, Kot Ghari Bensar road Trand 0.90 Km ..? Rs: 8.682 M
14) Hill, Kamola Battangi road UC Shamlai 0.90 Km ..? Rs: 8.780 M
15) Shah Murad, Largam road UC Paimal Sharif 0.90 Km ..? Rs: 9.587 M
16) Markhani Gat road UC Paimal Sharif 0.50 Km ..? Rs: 5.305 M
17) Behram Abad Paimal road UC Paimal Sharif 0.40 Km ..? Rs: 4.285 M
18) Jabri Paimal road UC Paimal Sharif 0.40 Km ..? Rs: 4.051 M
19) Chatto Banda road UC Paimal Sharif 0.80 Km ..? Rs: 8.398 M
20) Shalkhay Banda road UC Banian ..? Rs: 4.441 M
21) Taya Jadeed road UC Banian 0.50 Km ..? Rs: 4.311 M
22) Matta Joobar road 0.50 Km ..? Rs: 4.383 M
150946-F/S and Design for improvement /Rehabilitation of Oghi Battagram Road and Construction of RCC bridge at Biari Khwar, District Battagram.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 376.687 153.206 50 79 79 72.657 225.863 173.481 54% 60%
May - 2021
Length 13 Km (width 18 ft ) - WBM in progress
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1) Design and supervision charges etc ..? Rs: 12.500  M (TS 9.289)
2) Improvement/rehabilitation of Oghi Battagram road 13 Km ..? Rs: 189.395 M (TS 175.415)
3) Construction of RCC Bridge at Biari Khawar ..? Rs: 50.711 M (TS 55.683)
170175-F/S, Design and Construction / Improvement and BT of Thakot-Banna Road via Kar Kally Koz Cheena District Battagram
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 335.303 48.336505 50 50 50 48.659 96.995505 236.966 29% 29%
May - 2021
8.725Km road - Earth work 6Km completed. Bridge -pile testing in progress.
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170579-F/S, Desig/ Construction of RCC Bridges a) Qanjobori, b) Kakar Shang, c) Banda Akhoon Zadgan Shari Khwar Alai and Repair of Battagram Paimal Road (12 Km), District Battagram
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 221.281 63.553 30 30 30 30 93.553 127.728 42% 42%
May - 2021
Length 12 km - 3- Packages Package -1&2 Eearth work completed. & Package= Work not yet started. Road Work in progress. Deamnd Rs. 50 (liability )
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1 Qanjobori
2 Kakar Shang
3 Banda Akhoon Zadgan
4 Shari Khwar Allai
5 Repair of Battagram Road 12 KM
190583-Construction, Rehabilitation, Improvement and BT of internal road of, Battagram.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 200 15 47 76 76 52.591 67.591 138 31% 34%
May - 2021
Package I work started Package 2 46 % Completed Package 3 10% completed Package 4 20% completed Package 5 20% completed Package 6 21% completed Package 7 80% completed Package 8 50% completed
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Package I .?. Rs: 10.00 M
Package 2 .?. Rs: 15.00 M
Package 3.?. Rs: 11.00 M
Package 4.?. Rs: 10.00 M
Package 5.?. Rs: 33.00 M
Package 6.?. Rs: 37.00 M
Package 7.?. Rs: 40.00 M
Package 8.?. Rs: 44.00 M
140675-F/S, Design and Construction of Sabir Shah Nakot Bridge, Mansehra.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 184.55 119.455 43.431 33.43 33.43 28.051 147.506 21.664 88% 80%
May - 2021
(8 No. Span) 1- 32 Nos. Girders completed and Launched. 2-06 Nos. Pier Shaft Completed. 3- 2 Nos. Abutment. Completed. 4- 7 Nos. Deck Slabs Completed. 5- Approach Road No. 1 Work in Progress. 6- Approach Road No. 2 Work stopped due to Stay Order by Court.
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PK-55, Mansehra
140920-F/S, design and Construction of a) Chor Kalan road & b) Jabbori to Methal Kayian Road via Banda Gee Such, Mansehra.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 120 127.994 5 5 5 5 132.994 0 100% 100%
May - 2021
1 Earth work Completed. (2) Structure Work in Progress. 3- B/Toped 3.60 Km Completed. (B) Jabbori Methal Kayan Road. Can be complted provided Rs. 9.6 as per TS 1- E/Work = Completed. (2) Structure Work in Progress. (3) B/Topped 3 Km Completed.
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PK-56, Mansehra
150842-Construction and Blacktopping of roads from a) Darband to Kandgran b) Sehkibala to sokal UC Darra Shanaya District Mansehra.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 48.14 40.354 7.235 7.235 7.235 7.235 47.589 0.551 99% 99%
May - 2021
completed. Delete from darft ADP
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1) Construction/BT of road Darband to Kandran UC Shanaya (2 Km) PK-33 (TS 21.910)
2) Construction/BT of road Gali Badral to Labor UC Perhina (0.60 Km) PK-33 (TS 5.495)
3) Construction/BT of road Lassan to Khamian UC Sawan Mera (1 Km) PK-32 (TS 10.997)
150869-Improvement / widening & Rehabilitation of Chakia Junglan Sundar Kalarian road and Shahkail Garhi Pairan road District Manshera.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 100 95.155 30 23.7 23.7 14.033 109.188 0 100% 100%
May - 2021
(A) Chikia Junglan Road (6.9 Kms). Earth Work = Completed. Structure Work in Progress. 2.90 Km Black Top Completed PCC Shoulders Completed. PCC Road Work in Progress. (B) Shah Khial Garhi Pairan Road (6 Kms). Earth Work = Completed. Structure Work = Completed. 4.600 Km Black Top / PCC Completed. PCC Shoulder completed in 1 Kms.
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PK-31, Mansehra
150870-Improvement/ carpeting of road from Dhodial to Shatay Road, Baffa Doraha to khwajgan and Dhodial to Shatay road District Manshera.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 100 84.82606 40 23.7 23.7 14.033 98.85906 0 100% 99%
May - 2021
02 - Units 1) Earth Work = Completed, Masonry Work Completed, Road work 1 Km Asphalt completed, 800 Meter PCC Completed, X-Drainage work = 80% 1) 2. 8 Km Carpeting completed, Drain & Shoulders in Progress, Shoulders work in Progress, Asphalt Work in Progress.
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1. "Dhodial to Shahtay Road (2.6Km)
2. Baffa Doraha to Khawjgan Road (8.75 Kms).                                 
170565-Construction of Roads from a) Dhgri-Moharr (1Km), b) Ghazikot-Chameri (1Km) c) Phulra-Madserian (1Km) d) Ratta Depo-Chanyal (1Km) e) Saira-Daraband (1Km), Mansehra.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 71.292 55.7386 20.028 12.028 12.028 11.989 67.7276 0 100% 95%
May - 2021
05 Units 1. Earth Work Completed, Structure Work Completed, Road Work 1 Km Asphalt Completed, PCC shoulders & Site Drain in Progress." 2. Completed 3. Earth Work Completed Structure Work Completed Road Work 1 Km Asphalt Completed. PCC shoulders & Site Drain in Progress. 4. Earth Work Completed. Structure Work Completed. Road Work 1 Km Asphalt Completed. PCC shoulders & Site Drain in Progress. 5. Earth Work Completed Structure Work Completed. Road Work in Progress
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1. Dhehgri to Mohar U/C Sawan Mera (1-Km). (PK-32)         
2. Ghazikot to Chameri U/C Nikka Pani (1 Km). (PK-33)         
3. Phulra to Matserian U/C Phulra (1 Km). (PK-32)         
4. Ratta Deppa to Chanial U/C Perhina (1 Km). (PK-32)         
5. Sehra Gali to Darband U/C Shanaya (1 Km) (PK-33)         
190584-Construction, Rehabilitation of internal roads of District Mansehra.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 200 0 50 50 50 50 50 150 25% 25%
May - 2021
Package I 1. Not Started 2. Not Started 3. Not Started 4. Not Started 5. Not Started 6. Not Started 7. Not Started 8. 100% Completed 9. 50% Completed 10. 100% Completed 11. Not Started 12. 30% Completed 13. 100% Completed Package 2 1. Work Started 2. Work Started / Towers & Anchor block completed. 3. Earth Work / Structure Work = 50% 4. Earth Work = 50% 5. Kals Rajwal Completed / Seri Rajwal Started. 6. Road Work = 100% Completed. 7. Work Started 8. Work Started 9. Completed. Package 3 1. Work Started 2. Road Work = 75% Completed. 3. "Structure Work Completed. Retaining Wall in Progress." 4. Work Started 5. Work Started 6. Work Started 7. Road Work = 75% Completed. 8. Work Started 9. Layout Given 10. Work Started
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Package No. 1      
1. PCC Road Dana Muhammad Jan UC Karnol.         
2. PCC Road Garlat Dherian UC Garlat.        
3. PCC Road Balgran UC Garlat.        
4. PCC Road Khetan Garlat UC Garlat.        
5. Shingle Road Dara Shohal UC Shohal.        
6. PCC Road Shohal to Gali Katvi Char UC Shohal.         
7. PCC Road Zamiri to Chapra UC Shohal.         
8. PCC Road Lasu to Kuwara UC Shohal.         
9. PCC Road Upper Hasari & Lunda & PCC Road Gulmira to Upper Gulmira / Bagga Laspatain UC talhatta.         
10. Shingle Road Shahid Gali to Upper Lunda UC Garhi Habibullah.         
11. PCC Road Noran Talhata UC Talhatta.        
12. PCC Road Kashtara UC Talhatta.        
13. PCC Road Banda Balola UC Karnol.
Package No. 2       
1. Construction of Beli Bridge Kaghan UC Kaghan.         
2. Construction of Kandora Bridge UC Kaghan.         
3. Rehabilitation of Kamal Ban Road & Extension of Pecha Kamal Ban UC Kaghan.         
4. Shingle Road Kandir Kaghan UC Kaghan.         
5. Shingle Road Kals Rajwal & Shingle Road Sari Rajwa UC Kaghan.         
6. Shingle Road Dong Dogian Shingle Road Kanar Dana to Buttan UC Mahandri.         
7. PCC Road Sanghar to Chota UC Ghanool.         
8. Construction of Bridge Shino UC Mahandri.         
9. PCC Road Lari Kaghan UC Kaghan.        
Package No. 3      
1. Shingle Road Banara to Takool Shingle Road & Bazwani to Sachan UC Hangrai.           
2. PCC Road Kachbyli Ferozabad & PCC Road Mangli Pela Khara & Kali Miti UC Balakot.         
3. PCC Road Mang UC Hangrai.        
4. Shingle Road Lohar Banda Shingle Road Mohandri Manen UC Mahandri.         
5. PCC Road Jaread to Gran & Bela UC Mahandri.         
6. PCC Road Nakyan Jaread UC Mahandri.         
7. PCC Road Balakot Adha to Middle School & PCC Road Parana Gran Dyri & Hadyan UC Balakot.         
8. PCC Road Khait Sherash to Lour Khait Sherash UC Satbani.         
9. Shingle Road Phagal Kala Dhaka Guldyri Besan Phagl UC Kaghan.         
10. PCC Road Rata Nalla Paras UC Kawai.   
190585-Rehabilitation of Roads in, District Mansehra.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 199.4 0 50 81.2 81.2 80.082 80.082 149.4 25% 40%
May - 2021
17 Units - Package 1 1. X-Drainange Work in Progress. 2. Not started 3. Structure Work in Progress 4. Drain Work in Progress. 5. PCC Work is in Progress. 6. Structure Work in Progress. 7. Earth Work, Structure Work & Dressing work is in Progress. 8. Structure Work Completed, Dressing Work is in Progress. 9. Drain is in Progress. Package 2 1. X-Drainage work in Progress. 2. Not started 3. Earth Work Completed, Structrue Work in Progress 4. Not started 5. Earth Work in Progress 6. Not started 7. PCC Work is in Progress. 8. Structure work is in Progress.
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Package No. 1 (09 Nos roads)
1. Mungan Machi Pole Road (2 Km) (BT)         
2. Hathi Maira Road (1 Km) (BT)        
3. Gandian Lung Sharif&Hafeez Bandi Road (2.5 Km) (PCC)         
4. Panjab Chowk to Jail Road (1 Km) (BT)         
5. Reerh Road (1 Km) (PCC)       
6. Kanggar Maira Road (0.800 Km) (PCC)         
7. Sandesar Road (1 Km) (PCC)        
8. Darra Saleem Khan Road (1 Km) (PCC)         
9. Zafar Road to Panjab Chowk & Pakhwal Chowk up-to KKH (1.500 Km) (BT)         
Package 2
1. Pakhwal Road (1 Km) (BT)        
2. Dhangri Road (1 Km) (BT)       
3. Chitta Batta to Batair (2.4 Km) (PCC)        
4. Kharar Maira Road (2 Km) (BT8/PCC)        
5. Data to Bujjia Road (1 Km) (PCC)        
6. Hathi Maira to Hathi Bala Road (1.3 Km) (PCC)         
7. Lundian Road College Dorah (1.5 Km) (PCC)         
8. Phagla Road (1 Km) (PCC)        
190590-Construction / Improvement / Rehabilitation and BT of Oghi Ahi Battal road Jandar Pari to Balian Chakal road Darband District Mansehra.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 250 0 50 50 50 50 50 200 20% 20%
May - 2021
2 Units 1. Earth Work 2 Km Completed. Road Work in Progress. Structure Work in Progress." 2. Structure Work / Drain work in Progress in 3 Km. Road work in Progress in 3 Km. Liability Rs. 35 M
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1 B/T of Jandar Pari to Balian Chakal Road 2-KM  .?. Rs: 43.200 (TS 29.849)
2 B/T of Oghi Ahi Battai Road (13-KM) .?.. Rs: 206 M
140782-F/S, Design, Construction, Improvement and Black Topping of Roads in Galyat Region, Abbottabad.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 324.287 215.39 30 30 30 29.863 245.253 78.897 76% 76%
May - 2021
Length 26 Km (5 units) - earth work, structure work in progress Demand Rs. 60 M
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1) Improvement/expansion and BT of Kahu to Julial road (2 Km) PK-45
2) Construction of road from Jandal to Lower Palak road (6 Km) PK-45
3) Improvement and BT of road from Mumbal to Kurli road (4 Km) PK-45
4) Improvement and BT of road from Butti to Lower Surjal Dana raod (10 Km) PK-45
5) Rehabilitation of flood damage road i/c bridge at Hoterol to BHU Mohra (4 Km) PK-45
140881-F/S, Design, BT and Extention fo road from Sujal Kot to Thesi with link road to Kasorian Narra Village (8-Km), District Abbottabad.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 118.498 85.156 33.342 13.328 13.328 4.106 89.262 0 100% 75%
May - 2021
Length 8 Km - 8 Km completed. Delete from darft ADP.
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140883-F/S, Design & BT of roads a) Nakka Gali Khuthiala - Mubarka b) Chatri to Sher Bai Mangl Bridge viz Bandi Matrach Gramry, c) Sargal, d) Sayal, e) Khutyala - Todumira, f) Rich Bainr - Ghayal Qazyan, Chaitryan, g) Sargal Kakot - Patheri, AAbad.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 400 0 50 60.549 60.549 60 0 0
May - 2021
1. 1 5-KM BT road completed. 2 . 4-KM B/T completed. S/structure in 6-km completed. 1-KM W/bound ready for Asphalt E/work: 100% ? S/Work: 75% 3 . 2-KM Premix completed E/work = 4-KM S/work = 95% 4 . 1-KM Asphalt completed. 1-KM w/bound E/work = 3.5 KM S/work = 75% 5. E/work completed S/work: 90% ? W/bound: 1.50 KM 6 . E/work: 60% S/work: 20% 7 . E/work: 100% M/work: 75% S/base: 3-KM W/bound: 2-KM Demand Rs. 50 M
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1) Nakka Galli Khutialla to Murbaraka (5 Km) PK-46
2) Gramry UC Pawa (6 Km) PK-46
3) Siyal UC Pawa (4 Km) PK-46
4) SargalUC Pawa (3.5 Km) PK-46
140884-F/S, design and Construction of a) Arro Kas Summa to Lora via Banwari b) Improvement/Wiidening & BT of Tajwal to Bagan Road c) Garhi ? Chanali road via Seri, Abbottabad
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 180.78 0 10 2.662 2.662 2.113 0 0
May - 2021
1. Completed 2. E/work completed , M/work 90% B/T: 4-KM Completed. Shoulder 80% completed 3. E/work completed, B/T 2.7 KM completed, PCC 800 M left. Shoulder in progress. S/work 95%
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1) Arro Kas Summa to Lora viaa Banwari PK-48
2) Improvement/widening and BT of Tajwal to Bagan road PK-48
3) Garhi - Chanali road via Seri, Abbottabad PK-48
140981-Construction/ Improvement / Rehabilitation/ Widening of 16 different roads (20 Km) in Ucs Bandas Pir Khan, Mir Pure, Kakul, Shiekul Bandi, Nawanshehr, Keyal. Central Urban, Malik Pura & Ward 1 to 15 Cantt, Abbottabad.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 400 0 50 70.5 70.5 70.5 0 0
May - 2021
1. Completed 2. Completed 3. Completed 4. completed 5. Completed 6. Completed 7. 90% completed 8. Completed 9. PCC completed 10. 0.50 KM PCC completed 11. completed 12 Completed 13 70% Completed 14 60% Completed 15 1.90 KM PCC Completed 16 Completed 17 Completed 18 Completed 19 In progress 20 Completed 21 X-Drainage in progress 22 Work in progress 23 Structure work completed, road work in progress 24 E/work & Masonary work completed 25 X-Drainage in progress 26 E/work in progress 27 E/work completed. Masonary work 80% completed, road work in progress 28 Completed 29 PCC 70% completed 30 PCC road 80% completed S/work 100% completed 31 S/work 100%, PCC 60% 32 E/work: completed S/work 80% completed PCC 80% completed 33 Completed 34 X-Drainage completed PCC in progress 35 X-Drainage 60% Shoulder work completed PCC 80% 36 E/work: completed S/work 70% completed R/work in progress demand Rs. 50 M
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1) Construction of road from near Modern Public School (1 Km) PK-44
2) Sir Syed Colony road Street No.8 and 9 (0.550 mtr) PK-44
3) Shahzada Masjid to Banda Sinjilan (2 Km) PK-44
4) Karbala Chowk Kehal to Usmania Masjid (1 Km) PK-44
5) Narduba road (1 Km) PK-44
6) Banni to Maira Mandroach road (1 Km) PK-44
7) Township Basali road (dozer work) (1 Km) PK-44
8) Lambi Dehri to Banda Dilazak road (1 Km) PK-44
9) Sheikhulbandi road (1 Km) PK-44
10) Gojre Maira road (1 Km) PK-44
11) Hassa Zai Mansoor road Orash Colony road (1 Km) PK-44
12) Main link road Pul to Masjid Narriyan (1 Km) PK-44
13) Kunj Mirpur road (0.650 mtr) PK-44
14) Sarban Kothera road (3.25 Km) PK-44
15) Kala Pul Chona road (2.25 Km) PK-44
16) Main line road Dhamtor (1 Km) PK-44
17) PCC with sewerage line Oresh Colony road PK-44
18) PCC road sewerage line Jogan PK-44
19) PCC road sewerage line Dhodial PK-44
20) Construction of Comsat University road PK-44
21) Construction of sewerage line Kehal Ward-10 to 15 road PK-44
22) PCC with sewerage line from Kehal Chowk to Qabristan PK-44
150861-Construciton of RCC Bridge at a) Guldok Dhamtor, b) Beer Banda Nabi Road, Mera Muzaffar road,Lower islamkot road,Booji road,Mirpura road,Blolia / Dana road,Dna mara Mandroch,Mandroch kalan Faqeer Bandi road District Abbottabad.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 200.064 160.325 15 15 15 15 175.325 24.739 88% 88%
May - 2021
Out of 15 units, Completed =6 Work in progress =9 Summary deffred . 1 Deck slab in progress 2 90% PCC completed 3 90% completed 4 Completed 5 Completed 6 Completed 7 Completed 8 Completed 9 Completed 10 Completed 11 Completed 12 Completed 13 Completed 14 Structure 90% completed. PCC in progress 15 Work started Demand Rs: 10 M
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1) Guldok Dhamtour Bridge Span 30 m
2) Beer Banda Nabi road
3) Maira Muzaffar raad
4) Lower Islam Kot road
5) Booji road
6) Mirpur road
7) Bilolia/Danna road
8) Danna Maira Mandroch
9) Mandroch
150862-Reh/Imp/BT/PCC of Boi Talkandi via Pall Mohri Sahran Sambli (R/W), Bangra Chowk to Kaner Kass Malkot U/C Plack Vill with drain, Banni Jandala to Ander Kot drwaza via cham U/C Plack Dist. Abbottabad
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 70 0 10 10 10 2.354 0 0
May - 2021
3 units - Completed -1 (PCC components) - Earth work/WBM & Masonary work completed remaing in progress. Completion : June 2021.
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1) Boi Talkandi road PK-45
2) Banni Jandala to Ander Kot Drwaza via Cham UC Plack PK-45
3)Bangra Chowk to Kaner kass Malkot U/C Plack
150864-Construction of road from Haji Gali to Naguara Gali, Guda Takia, Beesian Riala, Sajikot Ghora Road District Abbottabad.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 200 79.037 50 50 50 50 129.037 70.963 65% 65%
May - 2021
Length 13 Km - out of 5 units, all earth work in progress. Deamnd Rs. 20 M
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1) Hajia Gali toChamnakaroad (2.5 Km) PK-47
2) Phumermar to Nagra Gali road (2.5 Km) PK-47
3) Guda Takia raod (2 Km) PK-47
4) Beesan Riala road (2.5 Km) PK-47
5) Sajikot Ghora road (2 Km) PK-47
150865-Construction/ Rehabilitation of road from BHU tajwal to nawansher, Machana to Batangi, Serrian to Keri Raiki, Taror, Shakra to Choprra Nawansher Pirkot, to Tupla road Kala Ban, Shukka Kas road, Abbottabad.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 700 223.765 35 73.465 73.465 61.023 284.788 441.235 37% 41%
May - 2021
(Original scope) 11/11 units in progress. Deamnd Rs. 10 M
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  1. Improvement/widening and BT of Tajwal to Bagan road (2 Km)
  2. Improvement/widening and BT fo Taror road
  3. Improvement/widening and BT of Nowshera to Pir Kot road (1.80 Km)
  4. Improvement/widening and BT of Nowshera road Tajwal to Nowshera road (1.20 Km)
  5. Improvement/widening and BT of Kundla Passala road
  6. Improvement/widening and pavement of Machana to Batangi road (1.50 Km)
  7. Improvement/widening and BT of Serian to Kari Raiki road (0.700 Km)
  8. Improvement/widening and BT of Shakra to Chopra road (2 Km)
  9. Improvement/widening and BT of Topla road (0.700 Km)
  10. Improvement/widening and pavement of Kalabin Suka Kass road (1.50 Km)
  11. Improvement / Pavement of Upper Mohar road (0.750 KM)
  12. Improvement & Black Topping of Sherabad Bara Hoter Road. (4-KM)
  13. Improvement & Black Topping of Samlati Tajwal Road. (2-KM)  
  14. Improvement & Black Topping of Baragali Kassala Road. (2-KM)  
  15. Improvement & Pavement of Bermigali Jhansa Road. (0.700-KM)   
  16. Improvement & Black Topping of Mochi Dhara Dorah Jaswara Road. (0.700-KM)   
  17. Improvement & Pavement of Tatreela Road. (0.700-KM)   
  18. Improvement & Pavement of Danna Bagan To Danna Kaghian Road. (0.600-KM)   
  19. Improvement & Pavement of Mohar Khurd To Mohar Kalan Road. (0.700-KM)                    
  20. Improvement & Pavement of Gali Banian Roads. (0.800-KM)          
  21. Improvement & Black Topping of Morti Keri Sarafali Road. (0.850-KM)   
  22. Improvement & Pavement of Gather Road. (1.100-KM)   
  23. Improvement & Black Topping of Bagnotar Namli Maira Nathiagali Road.(16-KM) Package No. 1 (KM 00-4) Length= 4-KM   
  24. Improvement & Black  Topping of Bagnotar Namli Maira Nathiagali Road.(16-KM) Package No. 2 (KM 5-8) Length= 4-KM   
  25. Improvement & Black  Topping of Bagnotar Namli Maira Nathiagali Road.(16-KM) Package No. 3 (KM 9-12) Length= 4-KM   
  26. Improvement & Black  topping of Bagnotar Namli Maira Nathiagali Road.(16-KM) Package No. 4 (KM 13-16) Length= 4-KM
150953-Imp & Reconstn of road from Sherwan to Thathi UC Sherwan & road from Civil Hospital to Ratian via Thandara with link to Sari Sher shah and Bandi Nikian U/C Pind Kargoo Distt Abbottabad.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 100 74.098 25.902 25.902 25.902 15.35 89.448 0 100% 89%
May - 2021
E/work completed. PCC & Road work in progress. Completion June 2021.
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1 Sherwan to Thathi UC Sherwan
2 Road form Civil Hospital to Ratian via Thandara with Link to Sari Sher shah
160626-F/S, Design and Construction of Makhnial road from Changla to Islamabad
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 497 0.525 0 0 0 0 0.525 496.475 - 0%
May - 2021
(Length 63.5 Km - Abbottabad 30.5 km) Revsision in progress.
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160626-F/S, Design and Construction of Makhnial road from Changla to Islamabad
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 170 0 25 54 54 54 54 145 15% 32%
May - 2021
(Length 63.5 Km - Haripur 10 km)
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160626-F/S, Design and Construction of Makhnial road from Changla to Islamabad
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 667 144 10 10 10 0 144 513 23% 22%
May - 2021
22 Km - revision required due to change of alignment
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160628-F/S, Design and Construction & Supervision of bypass road from Ayub Bridge Havellian (N-35) to Dhamtour at Abbotabad (18.325 Km)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 3407.687 1030.758 100 397 397 388.455 1419.213 2276.929 33% 42%
May - 2021
(FWO ) 17.7 Km - 12 km WBM in progress. 4 km Earth work in progress Total Demand: Rs 2300 M. [Land Compenstn Rs.1000 M For Work Rs. 1300 M] Demand Rs: 1 B
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170569-Construction of Road Bangara Malkot to Khan Dana Road (5 Km). District Abbottabad
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 150 24.794 20 20 20 20 44.794 105.206 30% 30%
May - 2021
Length 5 KM - Spervisiory consultant selected Revsion involved due to change of nomenclature/ schems
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170572-Construction of Qalandarabad Bypass Road, District Abbottabad
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 239.642 8 10 7.5 7.5 7.5 15.5 221.642 8% 6%
May - 2021
Work started
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170574-BT/PCC Road 35 Km in PK-46, District Abbottabad.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 463.231 220.03 50 50 50 50 270.03 193.201 58% 58%
May - 2021
Length 35 KM Earth work in progress. Demand - Rs 100 M.
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1) Improvement/PCC/BT of Qalandar Abad to Tanawal road with link Tahairli UC Banda Pir Khan
2) Improvement/PCC/BT of Tarhana Bala with link to Basti Khawas Khan UC Banda Pir Khan
3) Rehabilitation of PCC road Abdalto Banda Pir Khan UC Banda Pir Khan
4) PCC road Mangal to Chittal Maira with link to Katha Mangal UC Baldheri
5) Improvement of PCC road More Kalan UC Baldheri
6) Construction of road Choonry Ahlan Kaloor UC Banda Pir Khan
7) Construction of road from Karlan to Bucha Gali Bagh Dara UC Chamad
8) Improvement/PCC/BT o Shah De Gali to Bal Gojri via Kasakki Kalan UC Salhad
9) Improvement and PCC of road Ban Seri to Kasakki Hurd i/c Butial road UC Chamad
10) Improvement/PCC/BT of Kuthial Gali toToda Maira road UC Kuthiala
11) Improvement/PCC of road Sabzi Mandi to Gravity Tank Upper Darra UC Salhad
12) Improvement of Banda Sinjlian to JabrianKutakian road UC Salhad
13) Improvement/PCC of rod from Lalgah to Kandar Jandakka road UC Salhad
14) Improvement/BT of Banda Qazian to Gajjal road UC Havelian Urban
15) Improvement/PCC of road from Dobahar to Boi Di Gali UC Jhangi
16) Improvement/PCCof road Thanda Maira Ziarat UC Salhad
17) Construction of road Dohabla to Darriaya UC Havelian Urban
18) Improvement/BT of road Kakaot to Shahkot UC Pawa
19) Rehabilitatoin of akian to Pind Gali Beer road via Khanda Khoo UC Pind Kargo Khan
170628-Construction & Rehahbilitation of road from Takia Sheikhan to Dager Maira via Rajoya and road from Tharna to Ghora Bazfran (6-Km), District Abbottabad
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 77.1 19.358 10 10 10 10 29.358 47.742 38% 38%
May - 2021
Length 5 klm -3 km E. Work in progress.
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190371-Construction of roads a) Bara Gali, Goragali, Bagnotar, Khun Palkot Kutli road, b) Kathwal, Mir Rehmat Khan, Peer Lal Mori Sambal Dhara road, District Abbottabad
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 80 0 20 20 20 20 20 60 25% 25%
May - 2021
work in progress Demand Rs. 10 M
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1 Bargali Garakai Road
2 Old Baganoter Road
3 Pavement of Khann Road
4 Pavement of Kuthwal Maira Rehmat Khan Road
5 Phalkot Road
6 Kutli ROad
7 Sumbal Dhara ROad
8 Peer Lal Mori Road
190467-Rehabilitaion/ Widening PCC Road Batangi Phagwaridoga and Salikot UC Patan Kalan and Construction of a new road Boi to Namal via Pattan Khord of District Abbottabad.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 297.12 0 10 32 32 29.2 29.2 287.12 3% 10%
May - 2021
3 packges - Work started. Demand Rs. 10 M
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1  Batangi Phagwaridoga Road
2 Sialkot Pattan Kalan Road
3 Boi to Namal via Pattan Khord (KM 1 to 4 )
4 Boi to Namal via Pattan Khord (KM 5 to 9)
190469-Construction of roads at UCs Baldher, Jhangra Kaloo Mira, Jhangi & Pawa, Pind Kargoo Khan, Sherwan, Jhagra, Chammat District Abbottabad including bridge on Havelian Daur near Chamba Mera village.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 300 10 20 109 109 109 119 270 10% 40%
May - 2021
16 unita work in progress Demand Rs.50 M 1 E/work completed. R/work in progress. PCC 1 .5 KM completed 2 E/work completed. R/work 100% 3 E/work 70% . S/work 10% 4 E/work completed. PCC 0.5 KM completed 5 E/work 10% . S/work 10% 6 E/work 90% . S/work 100% 7 E/work 100% . S/work 100%. W.B 90% 8 E/work 100% . S/work 80% 9 E/work 100% . S/work 100%. PCC 0.9 Km completed. W.B 100% 10 E/work 100% . S/work 50% 11 PCC 70% completed 12 E/work completed. M/work 60%. 13 80% work completed 14 80% work completed. PCC 0.2 KM completed 15 M/work in progress 16 E/work completed. M/work 80% in progress. w/bound 2 KM completed.
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  1. Baldheri Chitta Maira to Almaira Zarin U/C Baldheri (2.00 KM)
  2. Sajikot Boys School to Almaira Zareen U/C Baldheri (1.50 KM)   
  3. Link Road Nowshera from Chamba Bridge (1.10 KM)   
  4. Kaloo Maira Link Road U/C Jhangra (1-KM)   
  5. KKH Near Ordinance Factory Havelian the Wall Stop to Punjgran with link to Jhangra Kashka U/C Jhangra (1.70 KM)   
  6. Dobathar to Khatta Sari Road u/c Jhangi (1.425 KM)
  7. Bandi Phullan to Pawa with Link to Bandian U/C Pawa (1.625 KM)   
  8. Baisala Road with link to Baram Gali U/C Chamad (2 KM)   
  9. Havelian Gran U/C Jhangra I/C Seri Road (2.3 KM)   
  10. Mala Wazeeran Road (1.875 KM)   
  11. Sultan Pur Road i/c Path U/C Jhangra (2.350-KM)   
  12. Tootni to Kasaki Khurd via Trana i/c Danna (0.9-KM)   
  13. Chamad Link Maira to Baghdari Road (1-KM)   
  14. Banda Pujwarian i/c Maira (0.350-KM)   
  15. Nari to Paswal Maira Muhra stop via Banda Ali Khan & Lamba Banda U/C Jhangi (3.90 KM).   
  16. Sando Gali to Bamochi with link to Amir Abad & Kala Kot and via PIDC U/C Pind Kargoo Khan & Sherwan link to Kaian (3.850 KM)
190470-Construction of roads in UCs Kehal, Central Urban, Malikpura, Nawansherhr, Shiekhul Bandi, Kakul, Mirpur, Banda Pir Khan and Cantt area, Abbottabad.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 297 0 10 38 38 38 38 287 3% 13%
May - 2021
24 units work in progress 1. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Banda Pir Khan Road. 2. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Manna road Banda Pir Khan. 3. Improvement & Rehabilitation of road Kaloor to Chauntary Banda Pir Khan. 4. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Gali Mera Batang road Banda Pir Khan. 5. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Gatti Mera road Kakul. 6. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Bandian road link to Gatti Mera road Kakul 7. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Al-Mansoor Bagh Booji road Kakul. 8. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Rassian road Kakul. 9. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Dheri Kholey Choonakari road. 10. Construction of Dulla Zai Colony road Mirpur. 11. 12. Construction of Basti Lal Khan road i/c Rizwan Shaheed link Mirpur. Construction of link roads near Ghosia Masjid Phool Gulab road Mirpur. Demand Rs. 50 M
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  1. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Banda Pir Khan Road.
  2. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Manna road Banda Pir Khan.
  3. Improvement & Rehabilitation of road Kaloor to Chauntary Banda Pir Khan.
  4. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Gali Mera Batang road Banda Pir Khan.
  5. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Gatti Mera road Kakul.
  6. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Bandian road link to Gatti Mera road Kakul
  7. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Al-Mansoor Bagh Booji road Kakul.
  8. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Rassian road Kakul.
  9. Improvement & Rehabilitation of Dheri Kholey Choonakari road.
  10. Construction of Dulla Zai Colony road Mirpur.
  11. Construction of Basti Lal Khan road i/c Rizwan Shaheed link Mirpur.
  12. Construction of link roads near Ghosia Masjid Phool Gulab road Mirpur.
140656-F/S, Design & Construction of road from i) Sulam Khand to Sira road (6.50 Km), ii) Ghazi to Sulam Khand, Salam Khan Gali to Triman (8.5 Km) and iii) Ghazi Jari Kas road (5-Km), District Haripur (20-Km).
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 434.822 361.613 72.873 87.873 87.873 64.489 426.102 0.336 100% 98%
May - 2021
Physically complted. Complted. Delet from Draft ADP
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1) Pack-1 - Sira to Salam Khund road 6.5 Km
2) Pack-2 - Sira to Salam Khund road 8.5 Km
3) Pack-3 - Jhari Kas 3.5 Km
150868-Construction of Road from Kala-Khtha to Thalikot road,Khair Bara to Dhok Road,Karplia to Hassan Bai road and Soha to Koktri road District Haripur.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 200 137.805 62.197 40.197 40.197 34.195 172 0 100% 86%
May - 2021
Length 7 Km - Completed. Cannot be complted due to land Dispute (Khairbara Road )
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1) Kala - Khtha to Thalikot road
2) Khair Bara to Dhoke road
3) Kariplia to Hassan Bai road
4) Soha to Kakortri road
160189-Improvement and widening of Suraj Gali Hattar road (6.50 kms), District Haripur.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 148.178 102.178 20 49 49 36 138.178 26 82% 93%
May - 2021
Complted . Delete from Darft ADP
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170182-Constn of Internal Road in U/Cs: Pind Hashim, Sarai Naimat, Mankarai, North, Central, Darwash, South, Pandak, Ali Khan, Sarai Selah, Shah Maqsood, Rehana, Sikandarpur, Kalinger, Beer, Ladar Mong, Jatti Pind, Dingi, Siryia, .....Najafpur, Haripur
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 800 526.504 50 99 99 99 625.504 223.496 72% 78%
May - 2021
145 units - (PCC/BT) 60% work completed.
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1) Construction of road from village Pind Hashim Khan to Teer UC Pind Hashim Khan
2) Construction of internal road Sarai Saleh Maira UC Sarai Saleh
3) Construction of Changi Bandi Main Road UC Sarai Saleh
4) Construction of road at Gheba Maira UC Shah Maqsood
5) Widening of Pharari road UC Pind Hashim Khan
6) Rehabilitation of Paswal to Bandi Mian Pir Dad UC Sarai Naimat Khan
7) Rehabilitation of Sheran Wala Gate to Chappar road UC North
8) Rehabilitation of old Adda road UC Central
9) Construction of internal road Naseem Town UC Darwesh
10) Construction of internal road TIP Housing UC South
11) Construction of Model Town UC Darwesh
12) Rehabilitation of Kachi Road UC South
13) Construction of road at Ali Khan village
14) Construction of culvert at Gehar Khan road UC Pandak
15) Construction of culvert road at Talorkar new Talokar Town UC Pandak
16) Construction of road Mohallah Shamali Noordi UC Rehana
17) Construction of Jama road UC Rehana
18) Construction of internal road at Sikandarpur
19) Construction Mohallah Haji Imam Pir road UC Sarai Saleh
20) Construction of culvert Sameer Ayub Colony UC Ali Khan
21) Construction of culvert Mohara Ali Khan UC Ali Khan
22) Construction of culvert at Murad Abad UC Ali Khan
23) Construction of internal road Chak Shah Muhammad UC Ali Khan
24) Construction of Chak Shah Muhammad Main Road at UC Ali Khan
25) Rehabilitation of road Jahaz Chowk to Central Jail UC Central
26) Construction of culvert village Darwesh UC Darwesh
27) Rehabilitation of Afzal Abad road UC South
28) Construction of culvert/road Talokar road UC Pandak
29) Construction of internal road at Gher Khan UC Pandak
30) Construction of road at Niazabad UC Pandak
31) Construction of Thanda Choa and Mohari No.1 road UC Shah Maqsood
32) Construction of Babu Mohallah road UC North
33) Construction of internal raod of Changi Bandi UC Sarai Saleh
34) Construction of road at UC Sarai Saleh
35) Construction of Gheba road Shah Maqsood UC Shah Maqsood
36) Rehabilitation of Khakka road UC Mankarai
37) Construction of internal road Maira Ali Khan UC Ali Khan
38) Construction of internal road Nartoa UC Pind Hashim Khan
39) Construction of road Mohallah Naigar UC Pind Hashim Khan
40) Construction of road at Teer UC Pind Hashim Khan
41) Rehabilitation of Suba Nullah road UC Pind Hashim Khan
42) Construction of road/street at Mohallah Granda village Nartopa UC Pind Hashim Khan
43) Construction of road Mah Da Nakka UC Sarai Naimat Khan
44) Construction of internal Magri road UC Pind Hashim Khan
45) Construction of Mankarai road UC Mankarai
46) Construction of Sunger road UC Sarai Naimat Khan
47) Construction of Sarrara road UC Sarai Naimat Khan
48) Construction of Mangloor Colony road UC Sarai Naimat Khan
49) Rehabilitation of Shingri road UC Sarai Naimat Khan
50) Construction of Mohallah Jandra road UC Sarai Saleh
51) Construction of Mohallah Gul Bahar Colony road UC Sarai Saleh
52) Construction of internal road Changi Bandi
53) Construction of internal road Kheba Maira UC Shah Maqsood
54) Construction of rehabilitation of Sehra Wala Gate to Chapra, 2 Babu Mohallah UC North
55) Construction of rehabilitation of road Jahaz Chowk to Central Jail
56) Construction of rehabilitation of raod Adha road work
57) Construction of road Model Town Darwesh
58) Construction of rehabilitation of Khoi road UC South
59) Construction of internal raod Ghar Khan
60) Constrution of internal road Mohallah Sahamali Noordi
61) Construction of Juma Abad Rehana road
62) Construction of Mohallah Haji Peer Imam road
63) Construction of culvert Sameer Ayub Colony
64) Construction of culvert at Mohra Ali Khan
65) Construction of culvert at Morad Abad
66) Construction of internal road Chak Shah Muhammad
67) Construction of road at village Darwesh
68) Construction of culvert at Gher Khan
69) Construction of internal raod at Thanda Choha Mohri No.1 UC Shah Maqsood
70) Construction of internal road Maira Ali Khan UC Ali Khan
71) Construction of internal road Maira Ali Ali Khan
72) Construction of internal road Nartope UC Pind Hashim Khan
73) Construction of internal road village Teer UC Pind Hashim Khan
74) Construction of internal road Teer road
75) Construction of road village Teer Pind Hashim Khan
76) Construction of internal road Magri road
77) Construction of internal road Magri raod UC Pind Hashim Khan
78) Construction of internal road/street Sunger
79) Construction of road Mohallah Jandarran
80) Construction of road Mohallah Jandaran
81) Construction of road Gul Bahar Colony
82) Construction of internal raod at Sikandarabad
83) Construction of road/street at VC Meelum UC Darwesh
84) Construction of road/sreet at VC Darwesh UC Darwesh
85) Construction of road/street at NHC City 13 (Ali Noor Colony Khyber Adda Mohallah Banda) UC Darwesh
86) Construction jof road/sreet at Mughal Abad Dar-ul-Aloom UC Sikandarpur
87) Constructiono f road/street at village Dheri Sikandarpur UC Sikandarpur
88) Construction of road/street at Makhan Colony UC Sikandarpur
89) Construction of road/street at VC Sikandarpur UC Sikandarpur
90) Construction of road/street at VC Gujjar Mohra UC Sikandarpur
91) Construction of road/street at Kahka UC Mankarai
92) Construction of road/street at Pharallah UC Mankarai
93) Construction of road/street at Mohara Muhammado related Abadies UC Mankarai
94) Construction of road/street at Mankarai UC Mankarai
95) Construction of road/street at Mankarai Maira UC Mankarai
96) Construction of road/street at Bayian Ahmed Ali Khan
97) Construction of road/street at Bandi Mian Pir Dad
98) Construction of road/street at Paswal
99) Construction of road/street at Kandal UC Sarai Nimat Khan
100) Construction of road/street at VC Noorpur
101) Construction of road/street at Karrach
102) Construction of road/street at Shingri Bagh UC Sarai Nimat Khan
103) Construction of road/street at Banda Munir Khan
104) Consruction of road/street at Sarai Nimat Khan village Mangloor Colony
105) Construction of road/street at Serian Mohara Karia UC Sarai Nimat Khan
106) Construction of road/street at Dharam Pani
107) Construction of culvert at Banda Munir Khan Mohallah Palasi Maira
108) Construction of culvert at Mohallah Mistriyan Mohriyan C/O Babul Asghar
109) Construction of RCC culvert at Kajal Pull to Lahar Darra
110) Construction of road/street at Talhad UC Sarai Nimat Khan
111) Construction of road/street at different mohallahs of City-III
112) Construction of road/street at different mohallahs of City-II UC North
113) Construction of road/street at Mohallah Babu UC North
114) Construction of road/street at different mohallahs of City Haripur
115) Construction of road/street at different mohallahs of City-IV Haripur
116) Construction of road/street at different mohallahs of City Haripur UC North
117) Construction of road/street at Aslam and Naeem Khan Colony
118) Construction of road/street at Mohallah Eidgah
119) Construction of road/street at Rehmaniayan Town and Sabzi Mandi UC Central
120) Consruction of road/street at different mohallahs of City Haripur
121) Construction of road/street at Mohallah Kund
122) Construction of road/street at Near Abbass Khan House UC Central
123) Construction of road/street at Mohallah Soha and Risaldarian
124) Construction of nallah/street at Mohallah Sherazi UC Central
125) Construction of road/street at Mohallah village Pharrai UC Pind Hashim Khan
126) Construction of road/street at village Teer
127) Construction of road/street of different street at village Pharrai UC Pind Hashim Khan
128) Construction of road/street at village Pind Hashim Khan
129) Construction of road/street at Mohallah Awan Mohra Rajgan village Nartopa
130) Construction of road/street at Mohallah  Narian village Nartopa UC Pind Hashim Khan
131) Construction of road/street at Mohallah Magryal village Nartopa
132) Construction of road/street at Mohallah Kargawal village Nartopa
133) Construction of road/street at village Nartopa
134) Construction of road/street at Mohallah Dangri village Nartopa
135) Construction of road/street at Mohallah Syeddan Maira village Nartopa
136) Construction of road/street at Bhatiyan village Pharrai UC Pind Hashim Khan
137) Construction of road/street at Mohallah Saeed Abad, Ameen Abad
138) Construction and sanitation of road/street at Mohallah Roshan Abad UC South
139) Construction of road/street at Karim Abad and Alam Abad
140) Construction of street/sanitation of street at Saeed Town Chongi No.11
141) Construction and sanitation of street at Qazi Abad UC South
142) Construction of road/street at Afzal Abad, Raja Abad and Aziz Colony
143) Construction of road/street at Noor Colony Mohallah Banda UC South
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