Communication and Works Department

Annual Development Review

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Progressive Review for the month(s) of : January - 2018, January - 2021, February - 2018, February - 2021, March - 2018, March - 2021, April - 2018, April - 2021, May - 2018, May - 2021, June - 2018, July - 2020, July - 2017, August - 2020, August - 2017, September - 2020, September - 2017, October - 2017, October - 2020, November - 2017, December - 2020, December - 2017,

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Code Scheme Name District of Location Commen. Comple. PC - I Status Status
Orignnal / Revised
PFY Expenditure Original
Releases Expenditure Acc. Expenditure Throw Forward Targets Achievements Remarks Images
140905-Construction of PCC Roads at Usherai Dara (10 Km), Dir Upper.
Dir Upper
01-07-15 - - 15-09-17 - 450 62.25 30 25.65 18.15 18.15 80.4 357.75 21% 18%
December - 2017
Length 10 Km- 5 Km BT completed.
No Image
140905-Construction of PCC Roads at Usherai Dara (10 Km), Dir Upper.
Dir Upper
01-07-15 - - - - 450 62.25 30 30 10.65 10.65 72.9 357.75 21% 16%
September - 2017
Km-1 - 10 - structure work in progress.
No Image
140905-Construction of PCC Roads at Usherai Dara (10 Km), Dir Upper.
Dir Upper
01-07-15 - - - - 166.99 62.25 30 30 10.65 10.65 72.9 74.74 55% 44%
August - 2017
Km-1 - 10 - structure work in progress. Revised PC-I/DCE submitted to Chief Infra.
No Image
140905-Construction of PCC Roads at Usherai Dara (10 Km), Dir Upper.
Dir Upper
01-07-15 - - - - 166.99 62.25 30 30 10.65 0 62.25 74.74 55% 37%
July - 2017
Revised PC-I/DCE submitted to Chief Infra.
No Image
140905-Construction of PCC Roads at Usherai Dara (10 Km), Dir Upper.
Dir Upper
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 450 62.25 30 25.65 18.15 10.65 72.9 357.75 21% 16%
November - 2017
Length 10 Km- 5 Km BT completed.
No Image
140905-Construction of PCC Roads at Usherai Dara (10 Km), Dir Upper.
Dir Upper
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 450 62.25 30 30 10.65 10.65 72.9 357.75 21% 16%
October - 2017
Length 10 Km- 5 Km BT completed.
No Image
140905-Construction of PCC Roads at Usherai Dara (10 Km), Dir Upper.
Dir Upper
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 450 62.25 30 32.608 32.608 32.608 94.858 357.75 21% 21%
June - 2018
Length 10 Km - 4 Km BT completed.
No Image
Package-1 (Km-1 to 5)
Package-2 (Km-6 to 10)
140905-Construction of PCC Roads at Usherai Dara (10 Km), Dir Upper.
Dir Upper
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 450 62.25 30 32.608 32.608 32.608 94.858 357.75 21% 21%
May - 2018
Length 10 Km - 4 Km BT completed.
No Image
Package-1 (Km-1 to 5)
Package-2 (Km-6 to 10)
140905-Construction of PCC Roads at Usherai Dara (10 Km), Dir Upper.
Dir Upper
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 450 62.25 30 32.608 32.608 32.608 94.858 357.75 21% 21%
April - 2018
Length 10 Km - 4 Km BT completed.
No Image
Package-1 (Km-1 to 5)
Package-2 (Km-6 to 10)
140905-Construction of PCC Roads at Usherai Dara (10 Km), Dir Upper.
Dir Upper
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 450 62.25 30 32.608 32.608 32.608 94.858 357.75 21% 21%
March - 2018
Length 10 Km - 4 Km BT completed. Work stopped due to extreme cold weather being snow fall area.
No Image
Package-1 (Km-1 to 5)
Package-2 (Km-6 to 10)
140905-Construction of PCC Roads at Usherai Dara (10 Km), Dir Upper.
Dir Upper
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 450 62.25 30 29.918 29.918 18.15 80.4 357.75 21% 18%
February - 2018
Length 10 Km - 5 Km BT completed.
ADP's Images
140905-Construction of PCC Roads at Usherai Dara (10 Km), Dir Upper.
Dir Upper
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 450 62.25 30 29.918 29.918 18.15 80.4 357.75 21% 18%
January - 2018
Length 10 Km - 5 Km BT completed.
No Image
160445-Construction of Judicial Complex, Kohat at KDA Phase-I
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 238.341 76.322 37.218 37.218 9.305 3.382 79.704 124.801 48% 33%
December - 2020
MAK consultant for Phase-I. BB work S/S completed.Tube Well in progress. TS under preparation
No Image
KDA, Kohat
160445-Construction of Judicial Complex, Kohat at KDA Phase-I
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 238.341 76.322 37.218 37.218 9.305 3.382 79.704 124.801 48% 33%
December - 2020
MAK consultant for Phase-I. BB work S/S completed.Tube Well in progress. TS under preparation
No Image
KDA, Kohat
160445-Construction of Judicial Complex, Kohat at KDA Phase-I
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 238.341 76.322 37.218 37.218 9.305 3.382 79.704 124.801 48% 33%
October - 2020
MAK consultant for Phase-I. BB work S/S completed.Tube Well in progress.
No Image
KDA, Kohat
160445-Construction of Judicial Complex, Kohat at KDA Phase-I
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 238.341 76.322 37.218 37.218 9.305 0 76.322 124.801 48% 32%
September - 2020
MAK consultant for Phase-I. BB work S/S completed.Tube Well in progress.
No Image
KDA, Kohat
160445-Construction of Judicial Complex, Kohat at KDA Phase-I
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 238.341 76.322 37.218 37.218 0 0 76.322 124.801 48% 32%
August - 2020
MAK consultant for Phase-I. BB work S/S completed.Tube Well in progress.
No Image
KDA, Kohat
160445-Construction of Judicial Complex, Kohat at KDA Phase-I
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 238.341 76.322 37.218 0 0 0 76.322 124.801 48% 32%
July - 2020
MAK consultant for Phase-I. BW- in progress. Tube Well in progress,
No Image
KDA, Kohat
160445-Construction of Judicial Complex, Kohat at KDA Phase-I
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 238.341 633.598 37.218 9.305 9.305 9.304 642.902 0 100% 100%
May - 2021
01-Unit MAK consultant for 1. BB Work S/S 85% Completed 2. Completed 3. Plastering & Pointing in Progress 4. Design on B/Wall in progress: TS under preparation
No Image
KDA, Kohat
Scope of work:
  1. Boundary wall 3067 Rft
  2. Tube well boring
  3. Over Head Water Tank 40000 Gallons
  4. Pumping Chamber
  5. Watch Tower
  6. Land Cost: 150 M
160445-Construction of Judicial Complex, Kohat at KDA Phase-I
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 238.341 0 37.218 9.305 9.305 9.304 0 0
April - 2021
MAK consultant for Phase-I. BB work S/S completed.Tube Well in progress. TS under preparation
No Image
KDA, Kohat
160445-Construction of Judicial Complex, Kohat at KDA Phase-I
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 238.341 0 37.218 9.305 9.305 9.304 0 0
March - 2021
MAK consultant for Phase-I. BB work S/S completed.Tube Well in progress. TS under preparation
No Image
KDA, Kohat
160445-Construction of Judicial Complex, Kohat at KDA Phase-I
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 238.341 0 37.218 9.305 9.305 9.304 0 0
February - 2021
MAK consultant for Phase-I. BB work S/S completed.Tube Well in progress. TS under preparation
No Image
KDA, Kohat
160445-Construction of Judicial Complex, Kohat at KDA Phase-I
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 238.341 76.322 37.218 9.305 9.305 6.49 82.812 124.801 48% 35%
January - 2021
MAK consultant for Phase-I. BB work S/S completed.Tube Well in progress. TS under preparation
No Image
KDA, Kohat
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