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Annual Development Review

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Progressive Review for the month(s) of : January - 2021, January - 2018, February - 2021, February - 2018, March - 2021, March - 2018, April - 2021, April - 2018, May - 2021, May - 2018, June - 2018, July - 2017, July - 2020, August - 2017, August - 2020, September - 2017, September - 2020, October - 2017, October - 2020, November - 2017, December - 2020, December - 2017,

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Code Scheme Name District of Location Commen. Comple. PC - I Status Status
Orignnal / Revised
PFY Expenditure Original
Releases Expenditure Acc. Expenditure Throw Forward Targets Achievements Remarks Images
140931-F/S, Design & Construction (a) Battagram Nehar to Zai (b) Katlang to Kudi Noor (c) Dubi Ada to Srekh (d) Katlang to Qaziabad (e) Bakhshali Dheri to Jangirh (f) Gazi Shek Babuzi (g) Charsada to Dheray Baba (h) Pir Gari (i) Fatima to GGPS (j) Main to Bala Gari (k) Muhib to Husain Madrasa, Mardan.
13-06-15 - - 11-02-15 - 110.647 83.485 26.662 22.316 9.225 5.748 89.233 0.5 100% 81%
December - 2017
Original scope completed (9 Km). Revised PC-I/DCE submitted to P&D. Pre-PDWP held.
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1) Battagram Nehar to Daulatzai road (1.700 Kms) PK-30
2) Katlang road to Khudai Noor village (1.500 Kms) PK-30
3) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village road (1.200 Kms) PK-30
140931-F/S, Design & Construction (a) Battagram Nehar to Zai (b) Katlang to Kudi Noor (c) Dubi Ada to Srekh (d) Katlang to Qaziabad (e) Bakhshali Dheri to Jangirh (f) Gazi Shek Babuzi (g) Charsada to Dheray Baba (h) Pir Gari (i) Fatima to GGPS (j) Main to Bala Gari (k) Muhib to Husain Madrasa, Mardan.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 110.647 83.485 26.662 23.672 10.581 5.748 89.233 0.5 100% 81%
November - 2017
Original scope completed (9 Km). Revised PC-I/DCE submitted to P&D. Pre PDWP held. .
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1) Battagram Nehar to Daulatzai road (1.700 Kms) PK-30
2) Katlang road to Khudai Noor village (1.500 Kms) PK-30
3) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village road (1.200 Kms) PK-30
140931-F/S, Design & Construction (a) Battagram Nehar to Zai (b) Katlang to Kudi Noor (c) Dubi Ada to Srekh (d) Katlang to Qaziabad (e) Bakhshali Dheri to Jangirh (f) Gazi Shek Babuzi (g) Charsada to Dheray Baba (h) Pir Gari (i) Fatima to GGPS (j) Main to Bala Gari (k) Muhib to Husain Madrasa, Mardan.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 110.647 83.485 26.662 26.662 10.581 5.748 89.233 0.5 100% 81%
October - 2017
Original scope completed (9 Km). Revised PC-I/DCE submitted to CE.
No Image
1) Battagram Nehar to Daulatzai road (1.700 Kms) PK-30
2) Katlang road to Khudai Noor village (1.500 Kms) PK-30
3) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village road (1.200 Kms) PK-30
140931-F/S, Design & Construction (a) Battagram Nehar to Zai (b) Katlang to Kudi Noor (c) Dubi Ada to Srekh (d) Katlang to Qaziabad (e) Bakhshali Dheri to Jangirh (f) Gazi Shek Babuzi (g) Charsada to Dheray Baba (h) Pir Gari (i) Fatima to GGPS (j) Main to Bala Gari (k) Muhib to Husain Madrasa, Mardan.
13-06-15 - - 11-02-15 - 110.647 83.485 26.662 26.662 9.465 5.748 89.233 0.5 100% 81%
September - 2017
Original scope completed (9 Km). Revised PC-I/DCE submitted to CE.
No Image
1) Battagram Nehar to Daulatzai road (1.700 Kms) PK-30
2) Katlang road to Khudai Noor village (1.500 Kms) PK-30
3) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village road (1.200 Kms) PK-30
140931-F/S, Design & Construction (a) Battagram Nehar to Zai (b) Katlang to Kudi Noor (c) Dubi Ada to Srekh (d) Katlang to Qaziabad (e) Bakhshali Dheri to Jangirh (f) Gazi Shek Babuzi (g) Charsada to Dheray Baba (h) Pir Gari (i) Fatima to GGPS (j) Main to Bala Gari (k) Muhib to Husain Madrasa, Mardan.
13-06-15 - - 11-02-15 - 110.647 83.485 26.662 26.662 9.465 5.748 89.233 0.5 100% 81%
August - 2017
Original scope completed (9 Km). Revised PC-I/DCE under preparation.
No Image
1) Battagram Nehar to Daulatzai road (1.700 Kms) PK-30
2) Katlang road to Khudai Noor village (1.500 Kms) PK-30
3) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village road (1.200 Kms) PK-30
140931-F/S, Design & Construction (a) Battagram Nehar to Zai (b) Katlang to Kudi Noor (c) Dubi Ada to Srekh (d) Katlang to Qaziabad (e) Bakhshali Dheri to Jangirh (f) Gazi Shek Babuzi (g) Charsada to Dheray Baba (h) Pir Gari (i) Fatima to GGPS (j) Main to Bala Gari (k) Muhib to Husain Madrasa, Mardan.
13-06-15 - - 11-02-15 - 110.647 83.485 26.662 26.662 9.465 0 83.485 0.5 100% 75%
July - 2017
Original scope completed (9 Km). Revised PC-I/DCE under preparation.
No Image
1) Battagram Nehar to Daulatzai road (1.700 Kms) PK-30
2) Katlang road to Khudai Noor village (1.500 Kms) PK-30
3) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village road (1.200 Kms) PK-30
140931-F/S, Design & Construction (a) Battagram Nehar to Dolat Zai road (1.70 Km) (b) Katlang road to Khudi Noor village (2.30 Km) (c) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village (1.10 Km) (d) Ghani Sheikh road UC Behenai (1 Km) (e) Katlang to Ghazi Abad (1 Km) (f) Garhi road UC Mardan Rural (1 Km) (g) Bakhshali Palo Dheri road to Jungarha village (1.4 Km) (h) Bakhshali Chargulay road to Barikab village UC Kata Khat (2 Km) (i) Lura Banda road UC Bala Garhi (1 Km) (j) Naseer Killi roda toSheikhano road UC Babainay (1 Km), District Mardan.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 160 83.486 26.662 7.508 7.508 7.508 90.994 49.852 69% 57%
June - 2018
Completed (original scope 9 Km).
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1) Battagram Nehar to Daulatzai road (1.7 Km) UC Kot Daulatzai PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
2) Katlang road to Khudai Noor village road (1.5 Km) UC Babanay PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
3) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village road (1.1 Km) UC Gujrat PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
4) Ghani Sheikh road (1 Km) UC Babenay (construction/BT) width 18 ft
5) Katlang to Qazi Abad (1 Km) UC Fatima (construction/BT) width 12 ft
6) Garhi raod (1.3 Km) UC Mardan Rural (construction/BT) width 12 ft
7) Bakhshali Palo Dheri road to Jungara vilalg (1.4 Km) UC Gujrat (construction/BT) width 18 ft
8) Bakhshali Charguli road Barikab village (2.3 Km) UC Kata Khat (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
9) Lora Banda road (1.3 Km) UC Bala Garhi (construction/BT) width 18 ft
10) Naseer Killi road to Shikhano road (1 Km) UC Babanay (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
140931-F/S, Design & Construction (a) Battagram Nehar to Dolat Zai road (1.70 Km) (b) Katlang road to Khudi Noor village (2.30 Km) (c) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village (1.10 Km) (d) Ghani Sheikh road UC Behenai (1 Km) (e) Katlang to Ghazi Abad (1 Km) (f) Garhi road UC Mardan Rural (1 Km) (g) Bakhshali Palo Dheri road to Jungarha village (1.4 Km) (h) Bakhshali Chargulay road to Barikab village UC Kata Khat (2 Km) (i) Lura Banda road UC Bala Garhi (1 Km) (j) Naseer Killi roda toSheikhano road UC Babainay (1 Km), District Mardan.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 160 83.486 26.662 22.316 22.316 5.748 89.234 49.852 69% 56%
May - 2018
Original scope completed (9 Km).
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1) Battagram Nehar to Daulatzai road (1.7 Km) UC Kot Daulatzai PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
2) Katlang road to Khudai Noor village road (1.5 Km) UC Babanay PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
3) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village road (1.1 Km) UC Gujrat PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
4) Ghani Sheikh road (1 Km) UC Babenay (construction/BT) width 18 ft
5) Katlang to Qazi Abad (1 Km) UC Fatima (construction/BT) width 12 ft
6) Garhi raod (1.3 Km) UC Mardan Rural (construction/BT) width 12 ft
7) Bakhshali Palo Dheri road to Jungara vilalg (1.4 Km) UC Gujrat (construction/BT) width 18 ft
8) Bakhshali Charguli road Barikab village (2.3 Km) UC Kata Khat (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
9) Lora Banda road (1.3 Km) UC Bala Garhi (construction/BT) width 18 ft
10) Naseer Killi road to Shikhano road (1 Km) UC Babanay (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
140931-F/S, Design & Construction (a) Battagram Nehar to Dolat Zai road (1.70 Km) (b) Katlang road to Khudi Noor village (2.30 Km) (c) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village (1.10 Km) (d) Ghani Sheikh road UC Behenai (1 Km) (e) Katlang to Ghazi Abad (1 Km) (f) Garhi road UC Mardan Rural (1 Km) (g) Bakhshali Palo Dheri road to Jungarha village (1.4 Km) (h) Bakhshali Chargulay road to Barikab village UC Kata Khat (2 Km) (i) Lura Banda road UC Bala Garhi (1 Km) (j) Naseer Killi roda toSheikhano road UC Babainay (1 Km), District Mardan.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 160 83.486 26.662 22.316 8.985 5.748 89.234 49.852 69% 56%
April - 2018
Original scope completed (9 Km).
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1) Battagram Nehar to Daulatzai road (1.7 Km) UC Kot Daulatzai PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
2) Katlang road to Khudai Noor village road (1.5 Km) UC Babanay PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
3) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village road (1.1 Km) UC Gujrat PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
4) Ghani Sheikh road (1 Km) UC Babenay (construction/BT) width 18 ft
5) Katlang to Qazi Abad (1 Km) UC Fatima (construction/BT) width 12 ft
6) Garhi raod (1.3 Km) UC Mardan Rural (construction/BT) width 12 ft
7) Bakhshali Palo Dheri road to Jungara vilalg (1.4 Km) UC Gujrat (construction/BT) width 18 ft
8) Bakhshali Charguli road Barikab village (2.3 Km) UC Kata Khat (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
9) Lora Banda road (1.3 Km) UC Bala Garhi (construction/BT) width 18 ft
10) Naseer Killi road to Shikhano road (1 Km) UC Babanay (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
140931-F/S, Design & Construction (a) Battagram Nehar to Dolat Zai road (1.70 Km) (b) Katlang road to Khudi Noor village (2.30 Km) (c) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village (1.10 Km) (d) Ghani Sheikh road UC Behenai (1 Km) (e) Katlang to Ghazi Abad (1 Km) (f) Garhi road UC Mardan Rural (1 Km) (g) Bakhshali Palo Dheri road to Jungarha village (1.4 Km) (h) Bakhshali Chargulay road to Barikab village UC Kata Khat (2 Km) (i) Lura Banda road UC Bala Garhi (1 Km) (j) Naseer Killi roda toSheikhano road UC Babainay (1 Km), District Mardan.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 110.647 83.486 26.662 22.316 10.581 5.748 89.234 0.499 100% 81%
March - 2018
Original scope completed (9 Km). Revised PC-I/DCE submitted to P&D. PDWP held. AA awaited for want of approval of summary.
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1) Battagram Nehar to Daulatzai road (1.7 Km) UC Kot Daulatzai PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
2) Katlang road to Khudai Noor village road (1.5 Km) UC Babanay PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
3) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village road (1.1 Km) UC Gujrat PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
4) Ghani Sheikh road (1 Km) UC Babenay (construction/BT) width 18 ft
5) Katlang to Qazi Abad (1 Km) UC Fatima (construction/BT) width 12 ft
6) Garhi raod (1.3 Km) UC Mardan Rural (construction/BT) width 12 ft
7) Bakhshali Palo Dheri road to Jungara vilalg (1.4 Km) UC Gujrat (construction/BT) width 18 ft
8) Bakhshali Charguli road Barikab village (2.3 Km) UC Kata Khat (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
9) Lora Banda road (1.3 Km) UC Bala Garhi (construction/BT) width 18 ft
10) Naseer Killi road to Shikhano road (1 Km) UC Babanay (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
140931-F/S, Design & Construction (a) Battagram Nehar to Zai (b) Katlang to Kudi Noor (c) Dubi Ada to Srekh (d) Katlang to Qaziabad (e) Bakhshali Dheri to Jangirh (f) Gazi Shek Babuzi (g) Charsada to Dheray Baba (h) Pir Gari (i) Fatima to GGPS (j) Main to Bala Gari (k) Muhib to Husain Madrasa, Mardan.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 110.647 83.486 26.662 22.316 9.225 5.748 89.234 0.499 100% 81%
February - 2018
Original scope completed (9 Km). Revised PC-I/DCE submitted to P&D. -PDWP held. AA awaoted for wamt pf approval of summary.
No Image
1) Battagram Nehar to Daulatzai road (1.7 Km) UC Kot Daulatzai PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18ft
2) Katlang road to Khudai Noor village road (1.5 Km) UC Babanay PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18ft
3) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village road (1.1 Km) UC Gujrat PK-30 (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
4) Ghani Sheikh road (1 Km) UC Babenay (construction/BT) width 18 ft
5) Katlang to Qazi Abad (1 Km) UC Fatima (construction/BT) width 12 ft
6) Garhi raod (1.3 Km) UC Mardan Rural (construction/BT) width 12 ft
7) Bakhshali Palo Dheri road to Jungara vilalg (1.4 Km) UC Gujrat (construction/BT) width 18ft
8) Bakhshali Charguli road Barikab village (2.3 Km) UC Kata Khat (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
9) Lora Banda road (1.3 Km) UC Bala Garhi (construction/BT) width 18 ft
10) Naseer Killi road to Shikhano road (1 Km) UC Babanay (rehabilitation/improvement) width 18 ft
140931-F/S, Design & Construction (a) Battagram Nehar to Zai (b) Katlang to Kudi Noor (c) Dubi Ada to Srekh (d) Katlang to Qaziabad (e) Bakhshali Dheri to Jangirh (f) Gazi Shek Babuzi (g) Charsada to Dheray Baba (h) Pir Gari (i) Fatima to GGPS (j) Main to Bala Gari (k) Muhib to Husain Madrasa, Mardan.
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 110.647 83.485 26.662 22.316 9.225 5.748 89.233 0.5 100% 81%
January - 2018
Original scope completed (9 Km). Revised PC-I/DCE submitted to P&D. -PDWP held. AA awaoted fpr wamt pf approval of summary.
No Image
1) Battagram Nehar to Daulatzai road (1.700 Kms) PK-30 2) Katlang road to Khudai Noor village (1.500 Kms) PK-30 3) Dubai Adda to Sreekh village road (1.200 Kms) PK-30
200054-Economic Growth & jobs Creation through Tecnical/Financial Assistance(ERKF Model)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 Line Deptt 3625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
December - 2020
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200054-Economic Growth & jobs Creation through Tecnical/Financial Assistance(ERKF Model)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 Line Deptt 3625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
December - 2020
No Image
200054-Economic Growth & jobs Creation through Tecnical/Financial Assistance(ERKF Model)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 Line Deptt 3625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
October - 2020
No Image
200054-Economic Growth & jobs Creation through Tecnical/Financial Assistance(ERKF Model)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 Line Deptt 3625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
September - 2020
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200054-Economic Growth & jobs Creation through Tecnical/Financial Assistance(ERKF Model)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 Line Deptt 3625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
August - 2020
No Image
200054-Economic Growth & jobs Creation through Tecnical/Financial Assistance(ERKF Model)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 Line Deptt 3625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
July - 2020
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200054-Economic Growth & jobs Creation through Tecnical/Financial Assistance(ERKF Model)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 Line Deptt 3625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
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200054-Economic Growth & jobs Creation through Tecnical/Financial Assistance(ERKF Model)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 Line Deptt 3625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
April - 2021
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200054-Economic Growth & jobs Creation through Tecnical/Financial Assistance(ERKF Model)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 Line Deptt 3625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
March - 2021
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200054-Economic Growth & jobs Creation through Tecnical/Financial Assistance(ERKF Model)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 Line Deptt 3625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
February - 2021
No Image
200054-Economic Growth & jobs Creation through Tecnical/Financial Assistance(ERKF Model)
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 Line Deptt 3625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
January - 2021
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